Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekend Recap!

This weekend reiterated why I wish I was still in college, especially back in Aggieland!! Even though we lost to LSU, it was a good time all around.

The weekend included some of my favorite things:
My best friends
Northgate (aka bars Haha)
Cowboy Boots

I just wish I took more pictures, but I was too busy having fun!
I made the girls cups for tailgating!

Some of the group at the Chicken

My partner in crime!!
Now it's back to reality! Counting down til the next reunion in Aggieland!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life According to Country Music

I'm getting back on track with my "Life According to Country Music!" 

Perfect with this new fall weather:

When you need a little encouragement:

Always proud to be an Aggie! Whoop!

Hope you enjoyed these! What country songs are speaking to you this week?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting Back On Track

Hey y'all! I've been a bad blogger lately. But I am getting back on track. I've been dedicating a lot of time to my new job learning the ropes there. My plate is getting full with my Chloe and Isabel job and my new Social Media Manager job- and I love it!

So I have decided to make myself a general "Weekly To Do List" every Monday to keep me on track and remind myself of my goals. 

"My Weekly To Do List"
* Get majorly organized- in work and blogging life.
* Get back on track with working out.
* Paint something/do something crafty- just for fun :)
* Make some great Chloe and Isabel sales
* Get new clients at work
* Celebrate my Saints' first win!

I am attacking my getting organized for my blog today! Any advice is greatly appreciated!! I'm planning my posts for this week and getting back on track for bloggy things I have been missing. You are going to want to hear how I gave myself a black eye. haha- so embarrassing.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Debate- Turn it into a Drinking Game

Watching political debates can be frustrating, boring, maddening. All of the above. I normally don't do political posts. I have my opinions, you have yours. Let's respect that. BUT I am making an exception because this was too funny to pass up. I saw this on Facebook and had to share! 

Now this is how to make the political debates a little more enjoyable.. Turn it into a drinking game!!

OHP Funnies

Happy Wednesday!!! I thought I would dedicated today's OHP for things that made me laugh on Pinterest! Follow me here.. I love finding great new Pinterest friends :)

Source: facebook.com via Carol on Pinterest

Hope y'all have a great day!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just Wanted to Share

I have a quick one for you today. I wanted to share my first blog I wrote for my new job!

Here it is! Hallaron Media Blog

Hope y'all had a great weekend! I went to my first Texas A&M football game (not just tailgating this time- the real deal) as a Former Student. Such a fun experience, not to mention we had the BEST seats ever. More on that later :)